Published by Rose Sales Online on 21st Feb 2023

Appropriate Planting of Roses

Hello Dear Rose Friends,

We’re always glad to hear the kookaburras as I heard an interesting fact recently – one kookaburra will eat up to 40 young snakes in a season! We’ve seen a few red-bellied blacks around the creek area. They’re the good guys who keep the brown and tiger snakes at bay.

Living along a creek has incredible advantages, the snakes belong here so we respect and understand their presence! Very reassuring to know that Mother Nature has things in control for our safety.

Especially concerned for Mooi who weighs just 2.3kg and would probably wish to play with a snake just like she caught a rabbit the other day – yes, the rabbit was as big as her!

There’s always lots going on, but now the kids are all settled back at school it’s time to get on with other things…Well, we struck water when the bore was drilled down to 73 metres. So we are now totally water-secure in the future when, I’m sure, we’ll experience drought and tough times again. Here’s the moment water erupted...

Appropriate Planting of Roses 

How on earth could this rose possibly flower? Well, it does – have a look at how contorted the branches of this BEST FRIEND rose have become simply in order to reach the light and flower – amazing indeed!

May I suggest that such treatment of your roses is not OK. Yes, they’ll survive such stress but wouldn’t you rather they revel in good conditions to enhance glorious flowering in your garden?

I’ve been asked how to manage this, in reality one or the other has to go I guess so here's what I would do:

  1. Remove the palm behind the rose
  2. Wait a bit to see how rose roots might be affected by disturbance
  3. Give the Best Friend rose a deep soaking
  4. Apply Eco-seaweed solution applications daily for a week
  5. If the rose appears to be ok, start a process of pruning back

You’ll be amazed how an old rose like this will give a great sigh of relief and once it’s pruned, fertilised, given some extra TLC treatment of Eco-seaweed solution and mulch. It will start to produce new water shoots and then get on with flowering.

We have this poster in the nursery:

A giggle for you ...

Q: What kind of shoes do private investigators wear?

A: Sneakers!

Sustainable Gardening Australia

This not-for-profit organisation is a treasure trove of information for gardeners. I particularly enjoyed this February edition of Cuttings (their monthly newsletter) and want you to take part in this valuable resource which we all MUST support!

Rather than wait for me to copy you to enjoy their articles, become a member of SGA yourself and know that your subscription is very worthwhile. Get the family involved because I find there’s always an article that I can discuss with our grandchildren which they then use for school projects, etc.

Recently, I read/heard this statement:

“Unless we learn to cherish our green inheritance, we will perish.”

Become an SGA Member!

Another giggle ...

Q: What bow can't be tied?

A: A rainbow!

Janelle's Magnificent Rose Bundle

It’s Janelle’s turn to suggest three magnificent roses for this week!


Janelle highly recommended a red rose, which would complement the planting so perhaps you might select LA SEVILLANA or maybe MR. LINCOLN?

Simply write the name of which FREE rose you'd like in the comments section of your oder!

All the roses look absolutely stunning right now and since we’re fast approaching the end of summer, turn over some soil in an existing garden bed, add some of your own compost or perhaps share a bag of quality composted animal manure between the four holes.

Deep soak after planting and then apply Eco-seaweed solution which is once again supplied in a 5g sachet with every order dispatched from us! Your newly planted roses will continue flowering right into winter … great value!

Whittlesea Garden Expo

Yes, we’ll be there again this year so you need to pop the dates in your diary!

Do make an effort to come because this will be an opportunity for you all to meet Millie Ross from ABC Gardening Australia along with a host of other great presenters and growers.

A country show which is so relaxed, heaps of car-parking, great stalls and entertainment…


Enjoy peaceful time in your summer rose garden and do take time out to smell the roses… aaah!

Cheers from the team at Silkies Rose Farm, Clonbinane