Ashram - Hybrid Tea Rose

Ashram - Hybrid Tea Rose

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Ashram is a Hybrid Tea Rose with a very strong growth habit and free-flowering throughout the season.

Bred by Tantau, Germany, 2007 this strong growing Hybrid Tea is a wonderful addition to the rose garden because the glowing bright, old gold blended with copper and brown flowers command attention. The flowers are mostly borne on strong single stems with large firm petals suitable for the vase.

Ashram has wonderful shining dark green foliage which is very disease resistant and is a lovely foil for the bright orange blooms which are produced freely throughout the season.

The bush grows to around 1.2 metres tall and is very tidy, producing strong watershoot branches very freely to create a neat rounded bush.

  • Dense, dark green foliage
  • Intensely bright old gold copper and brown flowers
  • Strong single stems suitable for the vase
  • Very disease resistant tidy bush

Potted roses supplied in 20cm (8”) pots throughout the year.

2024 Season Roses will be available for pre-order soon.

Gift wrapped, personalised card and packaged in custom designed box (No flowers in winter) - low postage

Hybrid Tea Rose