Valencia - Hybrid Tea Rose

Valencia - Hybrid Tea Rose

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VALENCIA – Hybrid Tea rose of exquisite form with huge clotted-creamy coloured blooms on a tall, vigorous bush.

Valencia has a colour of its very own – a blend of copper-yellow-cream and huge flowers, most especially in the warmer weather when it our-performs other roses for flower production and health.

Valencia has very dark green, tough and leathery foliage which ensures that the bush remains healthy in all weather. The flowers are produced on long, strong stems, usually one to a stem because the flowers are so large and the stem could only support one flower at a time, so large is the beautiful, subtly fragrant bloom.

The flowers are ideal for flower arranging with the warm copper-yellow blooms blending well with a huge range of various colours and décor.

Valencia grows on a moderately sized bush to around 1.2 metres and if planted in a group, would be spectacular and produce a succession of blooms for the vase over a long flowering period.

  • Highly recommended rose in this colour range of copper-yellow
  • Extremely healthy, lush, dark green foliage
  • Exquisite strong stemmed cut flower
  • Large flowers with lovely fragrance


Potted roses supplied in 20cm (8”) pots throughout the year.

2024 Season Roses will be available for pre-order soon.

Gift wrapped, personalised card and packaged in custom designed box (No flowers in winter) - low postage

Hybrid Tea Rose

1 Review

  • 4
    Capitivating Yellows!

    Published by Alan Caldwell on 17th Jun 2016

    A strong upright specimen, giving beautifully presented large golden fragrant blooms.