Soeur Emmanuelle - Delbard Rose (bare rooted)

Soeur Emmanuelle - Delbard Rose (bare rooted)

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SOEUR EMMANUELLE produces an abundance of lilac pink, highly fragrant blooms which are massed with petals and make a beautiful display in a vase.  The high-health bush is tall and upright, the foliage dark and healthy - very highly recommended rose!

  • Delbard rose of extremely high-health
  • Lovely heavily fragrant blooms
  • Large blooms massed with lilac pink petals
  • Highly recommended rose


Potted roses supplied in 20cm (8”) pots throughout the year.

2024 Season Roses will be available for pre-order soon.

Gift wrapped, personalised card and packaged in custom designed box (No flowers in winter) - low postage
