Rose Rambler: 4th Jul 2024. Gift Roses only $98.60!

Rose Rambler: 4th Jul 2024. Gift Roses only $98.60!

4th Jul 2024

Hello Dear Rose Friends,

How on earth do plants survive such incredibly cold conditions? A local recorded minus 6.7 degrees one morning … we’ve had several severe frosts in a row and then gloriously sunny days without a breath of wind. Our roses are completely shut down and we’ll get onto pruning …

The weather, despite dreadful predictions was mostly fine – yes, of course it was cold and damp underfoot. We had a shower of rain mid-way through the afternoon session and we were all pleased to jump into our cars and warm up after 4.30 close.

... There’s no doubt about it – when you’re amid a group of enthusiastic gardeners, you not only have fun but you learn heaps. I’m recognized as a professional Rosarian and yet, during the sessions on Sunday, I have to admit that I learned a lot and even I feel more comfortable and confident as I approach my winter pruning experience here in our frozen Clonbinane gardens!

There’s no way we’ll entertain pruning at this time – we’re going to conduct another pruning demonstration at Seasonal Concepts on Sunday, 28th July


I believe that once you attend this pruning demonstration you’ll confidently go home to your garden and prune your roses in timely fashion – especially if you’re from Central Victoria because we’ve had the most amazingly cold weather these past weeks.

Meantime, be sure to apply seaweed solution all over every plant in your garden – the seaweed solution will be absorbed by the leaves and offer up to 5 degrees frost protection and guarantee your plants are safe despite this incredible cold.


Q. What kind of shoes do frogs wear? 

A. Open - Toad!


Last week, we posted a Best Friend GIFT ROSE to a lady who was celebrating her 100th birthday! It’s so delightful to share the occasions which our GIFT ROSE is used for and despite there being no flowers at this time of year, the joy of receiving a living memory of any special event is lasting!

Just this past week, we’ve posted these varieties as GIFT ROSE …


No, none of the plants had flowers because it’s winter but they were beautifully gift wrapped and tagged with a colourful pictorial label. Along with our Rosarian magazine, planting instructions and a lovely gift card inscribed with your personal message to ensure your loving thoughts are remembered, the GIFT ROSE is posted in a very beautiful gift box for $98.60 including postage. 



Q. What's invisible and smells like carrots?

A. Bunny Farts!


We’re not even half-way through winter but since our roses have had some decent cold weather, they’re ready to harvest now. We’re going as fast and efficiently as we can so you can expect to receive your pre-ordered roses towards the end of July.

If you’re going away, please don’t hesitate to email us the dates when we should post your roses. Meantime, too, be sure to have holes dug and prepared for planting!

Stay rugged up but be sure to get out and breathe in the fresh, cold air – take a brisk walk in your garden and we’ll talk again next week. Cheers from all of us here at freezing cold Clonbinane …