Rose Rambler: 27th Jun 2024. When will your bare-rooted roses be posted?

Rose Rambler: 27th Jun 2024. When will your bare-rooted roses be posted?

29th Jun 2024

Hello Dear Rose Friends,

How on earth do plants survive such incredibly cold conditions? A local recorded minus 6.7 degrees one morning … we’ve had several severe frosts in a row and then gloriously sunny days without a breath of wind. Our roses are completely shut down and we’ll get onto pruning …

… I don’t remember it being as cold day after day but it keeps me busy chopping wood for the fire and gathering kindling along the roadside under the eucalyptus trees and cones from under the huge cedar in the front garden. I had to repair a burst water pipe … the freezing conditions burst the copper pipe at the side of the chook shed – I’m glad it was while we were all working or we’d have had a huge mess around the shop area! 


Q. What do you get if you cross a cheetah with a burger? 

A. Fast Food.

We’re definitely working flat out now … this trolley of roses was pulled from the heel-in beds and being prepared for transit to Biannka in Far North QLD where she’s creating a flower farm. Before we posted the roses, we trimmed them all by at least one-third as this reduced the weight of the parcel considerably.

In our Planting Instructions you’ll see that we highly recommend this pruning either before or immediately after planting a bare-rooted rose. Trimming like this, will encourage the rose to produce many strong water-shoots from the crown/bud union and sets the plant up to be a lovely strong, robust bush for many years.

If you’ve already planted bare-rooted roses this winter and you didn’t take note of our recommendation, it’s not too late to go and do it! What I recommend for those who are skeptical about this, leave one rose with all the growth to provide evidence of what happens when you prune as recommended. 


There’s still a few vacancies for both sessions and the weather prediction is for a shower perhaps but we’d love to see you this Sunday at Ken’s place.



Let’s have a bit of fun and press on with the alphabet – we’re up to G – H – I so, let’s go for:



Q. Why shouldn't you write a book on penguins?

A. Because writing a book on paper is much easier!


We’re still waiting for many varieties of roses to be dug so if you haven’t received your roses yet, it’s because your order isn’t complete and we like to post ALL your roses in one pack.

Please be patient and know that any rose on your order which has already arrived, is tucked into the heel-in beds so, when the next consignment of roses arrives here around mid-July (or thereabouts), we’ll work flat-out with a large team to get your roses posted to you as quickly as possible.

If you’re going away on holidays, please email: and give us the dates when NOT to post roses – we will follow your instructions diligently. 

Rug up and go for a brisk walk in your neighborhood – stop and have a chat with folks at the coffee shop and you’ll feel 100% fitter and sleep way better than if you sit in a warm house all day! Enjoy moments in your winter garden …