Rose Rambler: 25th Jul 2024. Bare-rooted roses are now planted!

Rose Rambler: 25th Jul 2024. Bare-rooted roses are now planted!

26th Jul 2024

Hello Dear Rose Friends,

It’s heads down and bums up for all of us as there are no more public holidays or school breaks until September … oh, no! We’ll all press on as we have done in past years but the way this year has sped by, it will be no time and the Olympics will be done and dusted, Grand Final football will be upon us and kids will be on holidays again. Gosh, where does the time go? 

… As for heads down, you can be sure I’ve been a busy bloke in recent weeks and with our final pruning session this weekend, I’ll probably be able to take a break and sit each afternoon to read more information to be able to share in coming Rose Ramblings … 



Q. Why do goats have trouble making friends?

A. They always butt heads!

Despite our very best efforts to show before and after shots of pruning several different varieties of roses in our garden, we haven’t completed this task – we’ve been a bit involved in caring for our dear little Mooi who has done her Patella … it’s important that we make the right decisions for her well-being moving forward and surgery is most likely the best way to go – thank you to customers/friends with whom we’ve consulted to be sure Mooi receives the best possible care!

Meantime, she wants to play, wants to run and greet you when you visit us here at Clonbinane but we’re keeping her isolated in the hope she isn’t in pain or incur greater injury until her well-being is managed. She’ll miss greeting you!


so, you received your parcel of roses and followed instructions for planting … did you actually do the 1/3 pruning as recommended? If not, then do it now – it’s never too late or the wrong time to prune your roses but when you first plant them at ‘dormant’ bare-rooted stage, it’s really important to prune them well so they produce masses of water-shoots to create a lovely sturdy plant for years to come.

If you leave the branches at 30-40cms which is how we post them, your new roses will be very leggy, tall and produce fewer flowers than if you prune them down now.

So, you might ask, why do we post them to you with all that 30-40cms of growth? Well, if we cut them back, you might feel a bit ‘diddled’ … did you get what you paid for?

How we so wish we could post them to you, professionally pruned and ready to produce magnificent blooms for years to come.

Well, in weeks to come, when you order roses from us, you’re going to have your roses pruned because we’re potting roses now and there’s no way we can pot them without doing the required pruning!

Continue to order roses for winter planting – many varieties are potted but this next 10 days offer you an opportunity to get them more cheaply priced at bare-rooted pricing so give your garden a boost and go shopping for some bare-rooted roses at – enjoy shopping!

If you need a hand with selecting the very best varieties to suit your garden, don’t hesitate to email Diana at for very professional advice to ensure your garden is exactly what you dreamed it would be. 


Meantime, we had a giggle when we read this:
“Travel advice: Take twice the money you’ve got and unpack half the clothes!”

Have a lovely week in your garden – hope you’re piling lots of ‘stuff’ on your compost heap like I am – coffee grounds from a local café, pigeon poo from brother-in-law, Albert and sheep poo from the ‘backyard boys’ along a back road near home!

Cheers from all of us here at Clonbinane …