Rose Rambler: 16th May 2024. Bees feast in your garden.

Rose Rambler: 16th May 2024. Bees feast in your garden.

20th May 2024

Hello Dear Rose Friends,

What perfect weather we’ve been experiencing here in Victoria when she’s in her most spectacular autumn colour! Make the most of the sunshine and get out with a rake to gather all the leaves for your compost heap (or you’re welcome to bring them to Clonbinane where we’ll put them to very good use in our compost heaps).

I don’t remember a more magnificent autumn – hardly a breath of wind for days now, crisp mornings with dew and mist, warm sunshine before midday and then set the fire by 4pm to be sure we’re snug and warm all night. Splendid!

Because we’ve spent time with friends and family during the Mother’s Day weekend, we’ll just share a couple of jokes and some pictures of our life here at Clonbinane recently …


Q: What do you call a fly without wings?

A: A Walk!

Me loading parcels into my car – a daily pleasure

Treat yourself and plant lots of bulbs for winter colour which will also encourage bees to visit and enjoy a feast in your winter garden!

I plant lots of sunflower seeds for the joy of seeing their flowers but also to harvest seeds for my chooks – cheeky rosellas love the seeds too and I’m happy to share …


If you’re biting-at-the-bit to get a few bare-rooted roses into that spare little patch of garden or perhaps a few large tubs like Matthew has, here are two of my very favourite varieties which can be posted to you now …

Whether in your garden or in pots, these two grand, supremely healthy roses will offer you spectacular colour, fragrance and cut blooms for your home throughout the flowering season.
They’ll be packed and posted immediately for just $70 (plus handling fee) ready to be planted at your place, ready to flower this spring … treat yourself to these beauties!


Q: What do you call a rabbit with beetles all over it?

A: Bugs Bunny!

We’re eyeballing winter so be sure to enjoy all the glorious sunshine of these last days of winter and we’ll talk with you again next week …