REMEMBER ME – Hybrid Tea rose with a delightful confection of colours including burnt orange, amber and beige with burnt red edges.
This magnificent rose is indeed purchased very frequently as a memorial plant. I am always so pleased that it is such a robust and sturdy rose so that even the most amateur gardener would be unlikely to be unsuccessful growing this rose.
Remember Me has very unique foliage which is light green with a rather dark brown border and looks very pretty against the copper/brown colours of each different flower.
Remember Me is extremely healthy and robustly produces pale-green watershoots from the base which ensure the rose flowers continuously. In extremely hot weather, the flowers may be slightly smaller but the colour will be more intense.
- Ideal remembrance rose because it is guaranteed to grow well
- Extremely unique colours of copper/brown/orange
- Lightly fragrant
- Tall growing and very floriferous.