NEPTUNE - Hybrid Tea Rose of absolute magnificence and highly recommended for Australian rose gardens.
Raised in the USA, this sensational rose will surely play a competition with the old, very widely grown ‘Blue Moon’ rose and most likely come out the winner because the flowers are very sturdy and long lasting on the bush or in a vase.
Neptune has a mass of strong luscious lavender/mauve petals with just a touch of darker purple at the very edge and the blooms are large on long strong stems.
The bush is extraordinarily healthy with lush, dark green and very disease-resistant foliage with make a lovely foil for the lavender blooms.
- Strong luscious lavender/mauve with darker purple edges
- Very highly fragrant, large blooms
- Long lasting on the bush or in the vase
- Sturdy bush to 1.2 metres with disease-resistant foliage