Mother's Day Bare-Rooted Roses Bundle - Best Friend & Earth Angel

Mother's Day Bare-Rooted Roses Bundle - Best Friend & Earth Angel

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Please note : You are ordering bare-rooted rose which will be dispatched in winter time only, from May to September. Cancellation fees may apply.

Pre-order bare-rooted roses cannot be ordered with products available for IMMEDIATE delivery such as potted roses.

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Mother's Day Bare-Rooted Rose Bundle (Includes Shipping)

Two very highly fragrant roses which are very easy-care, can be grown in large tubs and continually flower throughout the season. 


Best Friend This magnificent rose was named by the R.S.P.C.A to honour the unconditional love and special friendship which all animal lovers cherish. This exquisite rose produces long, strong stems of the most highly fragrant bright pink roses which are ideally suited for flower arrangements.

Best Friend is a very tall growing plant. Cut long stems of flowers each time you trim this magnificent rose and it will reward you with a continual supply of the most delightfully fragrant blooms to remind you of your best friend, woman, man or beast!

Earth Angel is a magnificent addition to the KORDES PARFUMA COLLECTION with extremely healthy, dark green foliage on a shrub which can attain 1.5 metres around so spare some space for this beauty!

The beautifully shaped old-world style blooms remind me of a peony with a thick, swirling mass of petals as the bloom slowly opens to present a fresh fruity fragrance which is particularly evident on a warm, still evening. Hold a nearly open bloom in your palms – the warmth from your body will entice the sweet fragrance to emerge.

Potted roses supplied in 20cm (8”) pots throughout the year.

2024 Season Roses will be available for pre-order soon.

Gift wrapped, personalised card and packaged in custom designed box (No flowers in winter) - low postage