Published by Rose Sales Online on 5th Aug 2022

Hello Dear Rose Friends,
As we enter the last month of winter, many of you still don’t have your roses. It’s still winter for another 30+ days. Thankfully, we have beautiful customers who, though frustrated just as we are, they mostly stay kind and thoughtful that our situation is like lots of businesses. 

We’re working flat-out and staff levels are finally coming back to normal which we hope to maintain. Our grower has also got a healthy crew of backpackers digging roses every day. The job is almost completed with a huge consignment of roses expected tomorrow. This will take some time to collate, label and post.

Many people are thinking it’s too late to plant bare-rooted roses. It isn’t!  You must soak the plants prior to planting. Once planted, soak the planting hole to a slurry, finishing with a slosh of Eco seaweed. Depending on your climate, you may not need to water the rose for many weeks. If it’s hot, give it another deep soak every week, at least 20 litres per rose per week in warm weather!  

Water over the roses with seaweed solution once a week from a watering can. You can easily cover 10-15 newly planted roses from one watering can. If your roses are potted, give them half a watering can of seaweed solution once a week. Fertilizer can be applied as soon as foliage appears.

I received this in an email the other day and was delighted:
A gracious word may smooth the way
A joyous word may fill the sky
A timely word may lessen stress
A loving word may heal and bless

Let’s all remember to put mindfulness as a top priority during challenging times – a smile is easier than a frown and a kindness is most rewarding!

Every day I prune another few roses, perhaps half an hour each session. I feel confident I’ll get through all the roses in our gardens by the end of August.

I should invest in armour since nearly every time I do some pruning I end up tearing my trousers or pulling threads from my woollen jumpers which do not make Diana a happy wife. The team don’t have time just yet to assist with tending the garden so I’m sure to get away with murder and I’ll wear my patched-up clothes with pride.

A giggle for you this week …

Q: What do you get when you cross a sheep with a kangaroo? 
A: A woolly jumper!

We’ll be going so hard in the next two weeks to get roses posted so this will be our last ROSE BUNDLE for a while.

Thanks again for your patience during this rather trying winter.

Bundle of White Rose Promo

In our vast green/grey landscape there’s nothing more beautiful and refreshing to see a ‘bunch of pure white’. These three lovely varieties should be either planted together as a group or simply plonked around the garden for their spectacularly individual attributes.
JUST $90.00 includes pack and post

We can post this bundle of roses immediately. If you’re adding it to an existing order, please advise in the comments so that we post all your roses together.

One last Garden Giggle before you GrOw!

Q: What did the bee say to the flower? 
A: Hello honey!

Have a wonderful week as the sun shines a bit more warmly during this last month of winter. Cheers from us all here at Clonbinane …